Religious education
What is The Salvation Army? And Jesus said, 'Love one another.'
What’s Jesus got to do with it?.. is a lesson on how The Salvation Army is based on the teaching of Jesus, to love one another. Pupils have the opportunity to reflect on how you can live in a way that shows love to others. Lesson 3 of 6.
These resources provide an introduction to The Salvation Army through a range of lessons and activities. They are ideal to use in one-off lessons, or to introduce a longer topic looking at different aspects of The Salvation Army.
What is The Salvation Army? Faith in Action
How do you show God’s love?.. explores what The Salvation Army does to support people. Pupils reflect on how they can support one another. Includes a fun Blockbuster style quiz which recaps on key words about The Salvation Army from the six lessons. Lesson 6 of 6.
These resources provide an introduction to The Salvation Army through a range of lessons and activities. They are ideal to use in one-off lessons, or to introduce a longer topic looking at different aspects of The Salvation Army.
Anti-Trafficking & Modern Slavery: Trusted and Tricked
Lesson One of a two-part lesson for 11-16 year olds exploring people who fall victim to traffickers and modern slavery are and how The Salvation Army seek to help them. There is a Citizenship focus but it has optional RE extension tasks to develop the lesson into a cross curricular learning session.
Lesson 2: www.tes.com/teaching-resource/anti-trafficking-and-modern-slavery-finding-freedom-12158540
This lesson is part of a 6-part resource exploring homelessness, refugees and anti-trafficking.
The lessons aim is for students to have an improved opinion and understanding of people who are experiencing homelessness, trafficking or who were refugees.
Students will also learn how they can have an impact on these people lives as citizens, whilst delving into The Salvation Army’s work and values.
Anti-Trafficking & Modern Slavery: Finding Freedom
Lesson Two of a two-part lesson for 11-16 year olds exploring people who fall victim to traffickers and modern slavery are and how The Salvation Army seek to help them. There is a Citizenship focus but it has optional RE extension tasks to develop the lesson into a cross curricular learning session.
Lesson 1: www.tes.com/teaching-resource/anti-trafficking-and-modern-slavery-trusted-and-tricked-12158536
This lesson is part of a 6-part resource exploring homelessness, refugees and anti-trafficking.
The lessons aim is for students to have an improved opinion and understanding of people who are experiencing homelessness, trafficking or who were refugees.
Students will also learn how they can have an impact on these people lives as citizens, whilst delving into The Salvation Army’s work and values.
Homelessness: Right Up Your Street
Lesson One of a two-part lesson for 11-16 year olds exploring homelessness and how The Salvation Army seek to help people experiencing homelessness. There is a Citizenship focus but it has optional RE extension tasks to develop the lesson into a cross curricular learning session.
Lesson 2: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/homelessness-close-to-home-12158550
This lesson is part of a 6-part resource exploring homelessness, refugees and anti-trafficking.
The lessons aim is for students to have an improved opinion and understanding of people who are experiencing homelessness, trafficking or who were refugees.
Students will also learn how they can have an impact on these people lives as citizens, whilst delving into The Salvation Army’s work and values.
'A Cry in the Darkness' HIV/Aids resource
‘A Cry in the Darkness’ is a resource from The Salvation Army’s International Development Unit to help educate people and raise awareness of the issues surrounding HIV and Aids. The resource includes an assembly, lesson and workshop ideas, films, songs and more. Visit www.salvationarmy.org.uk/globalissues or contact us for a free DVD-Rom.
The Salvation Army of the Front Line
A lesson exploring how The Salvation Army supported those on the front line during World War One.
Environment and The Salvation Army
In this lesson students will explore some of the causes and consequences of damage to the environment. They will also explore what The Salvation Army believes about humanity’s responsibility to care for the environment as well as investigating the biblical teachings that support their point of view.
Work, Vocation and The Salvation Army
In this lesson students will reflect on and understand what vocation is and will be able to explain what The Salvation Army believes about work as well as how it helps people back into work.
Poverty and The Salvation Army
In this lesson students will reflect on and understand what poverty is and will be able to explain how and why The Salvation Army fights against poverty.
Human Genetic Engineering and The Salvation Army
This lesson gives students the opportunity to explore what human genetic engineering is and what the possible advantages and disadvantages are. Pupils will be able to express their own opinions on this area and will also investigate The Salvation Army’s standpoint on human genetic engineering
Gambling and The Salvation Army
A lesson for 14-16 year-olds about the causes and consequences of gambling. The lesson also explores The Salvation Army's standpoint on gambling.
Refugees: Got To Go!
Lesson One of a two-part lesson for 11-16 year olds exploring who refugees are and how The Salvation Army seek to help refugees in the UK. There is a Citizenship focus but it has optional RE extension tasks to develop the lesson into a cross curricular learning session.
Lesson 2: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/refugees-on-the-move-12131077
This lesson is part of a 6-part resource exploring homelessness, refugees and anti-trafficking.
The lessons aim is for students to have an improved opinion and understanding of people who are experiencing homelessness, trafficking or who were refugees.
Students will also learn how they can have an impact on these people lives as citizens, whilst delving into The Salvation Army’s work and values.
William and Catherine Booth and The Salvation Army
A presentation telling the story of the founders of The Salvation Army, William and Catherine Booth, and of how The Salvation Army started. These bright and bold graphics will appeal to younger children, but is also suitable for older children. Can be used as part of a lesson, or to support an assembly. As part of Religious Education - Faith in Action, or the History topic - The Victorians.
Refugees: On The Move!
In time for Refugee Week!
Lesson Two of a two-part lesson for 11-16 year olds exploring who refugees are and how The Salvation Army seek to help refugees in the UK. There is a Citizenship focus but it has optional RE extension tasks to develop the lesson into a cross curricular learning session.
Lesson One: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/refugees-got-to-go-12131080
This lesson is part of a 6-part resource exploring homelessness, refugees and anti-trafficking.
The lessons aim is for students to have an improved opinion and understanding of people who are experiencing homelessness, trafficking or who were refugees.
Students will also learn how they can have an impact on these people lives as citizens, whilst delving into The Salvation Army’s work and values.
Women's History Month Assembly - Catherine Booth (The Salvation Army)
An interactive assembly with lovely illustrations. Pupils learn about Catherine Booth (co-founder of The Salvation Army) and how she helped change the injustice around her. Inspire and challenge pupils to see what they can change in their own lives. This can easily be adapted for an assembly on Victorian women.
Refugees - Home from Home
A story of hope and belonging. A KS2 lesson exploring how a community can support refugees. It encourages pupils to reflect on how we can be welcoming to others in our lives. It is based on real events, of a Salvation Army community supporting a Syrian refugee family through the Community Sponsorship scheme. There is a PSHE focus but can easily be adapted for RE.
The Salvation Army: An Introduction
Ideal for independent learning, group work or use as posters. Fact sheets, puzzles, FAQs, images and news articles introduces the work and beliefs of The Salvation Army. A fun, flexible and engaging way for your pupils to learn.
Additional topics and videos are available on The Salvation Army website.
The Salvation Army: Homelessness
Ideal for independent learning, group work or use as posters. Fact sheets, puzzles, FAQs, images and news articles explores how and why The Salvation Army helps people who have no home. A flexible and engaging way for your pupils to learn.
Additional topics and videos are available on The Salvation Army website.
The Salvation Army: Coronavirus Response
Ideal for independent learning, group work or use as posters. Fact sheets, puzzles, FAQs, images and news articles explores the work of The Salvation Army during the pandemic. A thought-provoking, flexible and engaging way for your pupils to learn.
Additional topics and videos are available on The Salvation Army website.